Downloadable Forms

The Kendall School FAQ’s
Q. What is needed on the first day of school?
Please complete and submit the Forms distributed at the Open House. An additional required and very important form is your child’s School Health Form which you received from your Pediatrician at the last check-up. It contains the list of your child’s immunizations and the result of a lead paint test. Please also bring the Opening Day Payment.
Please bring a bag with a full change of clothing including a sweater. This change of clothing must remain at school at all times in a small bag hanging on your child’s hook. Be sure to label the clothes and exchange the clothes seasonally.
Please remember to pack a daily lunch for your child if he or she is enrolled in the Full Day Program (8:30 am to 3pm). Snacks are provided.
Q. What type of backpack should my child have?
Please no bags or backpacks with wheels. We know these are fun for the children but they are dangerous on the stairs, are difficult to hang on your child’s hook, and take up too much space.
Q. Where should I put my child’s lunch box? (Please label the lunch box on the outside)
Children in the four-year-old classes and in the Kindergarten class should place their lunch boxes under their cubbies in their classroom. The lunch boxes for the children in the three-year-old groups should be placed on the white counter in Miss Ledesma’s classroom.
Q. What should I pack for my child for lunch?
There is no formula for the perfect lunch. Keep it simple. Pick foods your child likes, are easy to eat and nutritious. Do not overwhelm your child with large quantities or too many choices.
We provide milk or water, so it is not necessary to pack a drink unless you want to send in a juice box with your child’s lunch. For safety reasons. we do not heat food items, please use a thermos to keep food warm. Also, please cut all grapes, hotdogs, cheese sticks and other potential choking items into quarters.
Q. How much help will my child receive during lunch time?
Teachers will help children open containers and food packaging. Teachers will encourage children to eat but will not force or feed the children. Children at Kendall School are encouraged and expected to feed themselves.
Q. Where can I park?
There is street parking on Belmont Street right in front of the school. You may also park in the streets perpendicular to Belmont Street. Please do not park in or block The Kendall School parking lot / driveway as it is reserved for teacher parking. Thank you.
Q. What should I do if my child is crying when I drop him or her off?
It is normal for your child to have some apprehension or difficulty separating when coming to school. The best thing to do is to arrive at school with enough time to spend a few minutes with your child in the school during Free Play Time (8:30-9:15am). Parents should plan to leave by 9am. Talk to your child and assure him/her that you love him/her and that you will return for him/her at pick up time. Make sure a teacher is available to attend to your child when you leave. You are welcome to call later in the day to find out about his/her progress. In addition, speak to your child’s teacher about setting up a regular good-bye routine in the morning that will ease the transition for both you and your child.
Q. Can my child bring objects from home?
Each classroom will have its own policy regarding objects from home. However, toys resembling weapons or breakable objects are not allowed. Many teachers, especially during the first few weeks will allow transitional objects to be brought to school. Children who stay for afternoon rest time are encouraged to bring in one soft quiet toy, a couple of books, a small blanket (that can fit in backpack) to be used at that time. No sleeping bags or large pillows or large Pillow Pets are allowed.
Q. How often should I check/replenish my child’s extra clothes bag?
Please replenish your child’s extra clothes bag any time he or she brings home soiled clothing. In addition, please exchange clothes as the seasons change.
Q. How are birthdays celebrated at The Kendall School?
Each child is made to feel special on his or her birthday at The Kendall School. The classroom teacher will make a crown for the child to wear and keep. The whole school will sing “Happy Birthday” at the end of our Music Circle. You may send in a special snack such as cookies, small muffins or fruit for your child’s class to have during snack time. PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN ANYTHING CONTAINING PEANUTS OR TREE NUTS. Kendall School is not peanut or tree nut free but we also do not serve our students any foods containing those items. During lunchtime, there is a peanut free and tree nut free table for those children who need it.
If your child’s birthday falls on a weekend or during vacation, you and your child’s teacher can arrange a day on which to celebrate the birthday in school.
Q. May I pick up my child before 12 noon (AM program), 3pm (Full Day program or 5:30pm (Extended Day program)?
Yes, you may pick up your child early during any of those programs. The children are generally playing on the playground before pick up time so picking up early will not disrupt their daily schedule. In fact, it may make it easier to find a place to park by coming early!
If you have to pick up your child significantly early, please let us know so we can prepare your child and not disrupt the other students.
You may pick up your child at any time during the Extended Day program. Please note that there is a $1.00 per minute charge after 5:30pm.
Q. What happens if my child becomes ill while at school?
If your child becomes ill at school, a staff member will telephone you and alert you to the situation. Please make sure that you or a relative or a friend (listed on your child’s Registration Form) is available to pick up your child. Until someone arrives, we will keep your child as comfortable as possible.
If your child is diagnosed with a contagious illness (such as: Strep Throat or a stomach bug), please alert the school as soon as possible. Children must be fever-free (without Tylenol) and vomit-free for 24 hours, at least, prior to returning to school.
For COVID-19 illness, please refer to the current school year updates provided by the directors.
Q. Where can I find a lost item?
The Lost and Found Basket can be found under the desk in the hallway near the school entrance. Teachers place non-labeled items found throughout the school year in this big basket. Please check it regularly.
Q. What should I do if I forget to bring in my child’s lunch?
If possible, bring it in any time before 12pm. Call and let a staff member know if you will be arriving close to lunchtime (12 noon). If you are unable to return to school to deliver your child’s lunch, please call and alert a staff member of the situation. The earlier you let us know, the more time we have to prepare your child a simple lunch.
This should be used on an EMERGENCY basis only.
Q. Can my child wear sandals?
In order for children to enjoy all the climbing structures and free running space of the playground, we ask that their shoes are capable of staying securely and safely on their feet. We suggest no flip flops, Crocs, ballet slippers or other footwear that can easily slip off during outdoor play.
Q. What is the school’s door code?
The door code is distributed to parents at the Open House. Please feel free to share the door code with your child’s regular pick-up person listed on the authorization form i.e. grandparent, aunt, babysitter etc… The school door is the only door to be used to enter and exit the school. Remember, if your child is going to be picked up by a special friend, please let a staff member know and ask the special friend to remember to bring an identification card for us to check upon arrival. Don’t forget to tell your child too so that he/she won’t be caught off guard or apprehensive in leaving with that person.
For more information about school policies, please see
The Kendall School Parent Handbook which is located on the Forms & FAQs section on this website.
Parent Letters will be emailed weekly or every other week from the administration and class newsletters will be emailed monthly by your child’s teacher.
Please call the school for important time sensitive information (child sickness or pick up changes).
Thank you for reading these FAQs – we hope they were helpful. We are always happy to answer any and all questions you have that arise during the school year. We look forward to sharing a wonderful school year with you and your child.
The Kendall School Staff