The Kendall School (est. in 1931) mission is to provide a nurturing, creative and enriching experience for pre-school age children that encourages positive self-esteem and the eagerness to learn. It also provides an opportunity for children to form strong and supportive relationships with children and adults outside of the home. The first school experience is essential to help children develop independence so that they are well equipped to face the challenges of elementary school.
Our program philosophy is guided by the principles of Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP). We work toward fostering the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive needs of children by offering both child directed and teacher directed activities.Curiosity, exploration, and sharing are nurtured and encouraged.
The Kendall School does not discriminate in providing services to children and their families on the basis of race, religion, cultural heritage, political beliefs, national origin, disabilities, marital status, gender identity or sexual orientation